I knew that would get your attention!
Judy and I both just finished The Trunk. I loved it, Judy not so much, but I’m sure she will weigh in here. (For me, Gong Yoo makes everything good, and his one kiss rivaled my choice for ‘best kiss ever’ in a previous post.)
However, this post is not a critique of the show. It’s the total shock we both had watching episode two when one of the main actors had a sex scene that showed…well…you will just have to watch it to see! Our days of innocence are gone forever, and in some crazy way, I feel a little bit betrayed.
Of course there have been other naked scenes in Kdramas. There was a doozy or two in The Glory, and I remember being shocked by them, but neither of those had the impact that this scene in The Trunk had. You know what it felt like to me - aside for the being titillated part? It felt like I’d just been told there wasn’t a Santa Claus or The Tooth Fairy wasn’t real. Hey, I’m still reeling from that.
Where are all the attempts at holding hands? How about the slow hug? Or the head on the shoulder? Or the fully clothed couple in bed? You know where they are? Gone forever!
That being said, I’m hoping there are fewer scenes like this and more of what I’ve come to expect from Kdramas. You know what I mean: more scenes about… well, not much!
I almost fainted. What????!!!!! Our beloved, pure, innocent Kdramas have come to this? Tell me it ain't so! ~ Judy
Note: this is not Pat nor Judy although we both probably like that assertive female. As an aside I cannot wait to see what interesting things will start to show up on my computer feed now that I've googled 'X-rated images.' ~ Judy
Judy, did you have to pick one with such bad hair?
I agree with Barbara.
Public broadcastings are subject to strict regulations, so scenes of smoking or anything overly provocative cannot be running.
However, as various channels have showed up, such scenes have become more frequent.
Well ladies they had to grow up sometimes. Those long looks can only go for so long... you know what I mean. We are all adults here. 😉
We know her Ex. He lives here in Idaho.
I haven't seen The Trunk, but I did see The Glory. And then some of the recent dramas like A Shop for Killers and Moving are pretty violent. I'm concerned that more shows will go in this direction and that Kdramas in general will lose their innocence. I'd hate to see them become indistinguishable from Western dramas. But from what I've read, it might be mainly the Netflix/Western-funded ones that break the boundaries on sex and violence since, I think, the Korean networks have stricter regulations about content.